Jujutsu Kaisen: They launch a product for you to seal Satoru Gojo


 The distributor PREMIUM BANDAI announced the launch of a box set based on the “ Gokumonkyo ”, better known as the “ Confinement Prison ”. This was the object used by Suguru Geto to trap Satoru Gojo within the story of Jujutsu Kaisen , and where he will have to spend at least 100 years due to the great power that keeps him captive.

For those who want to have a little more information about this object within the franchise, keep in mind that there is no one or anything that cannot be sealed inside. It is a powerful special class item that must be no more than 4 meters away from the target you wish to seal, and the target must be close to this powerful prison for at least one minute, which is extremely difficult if the target sorcerer knows about this article or are very aware.

Now, the product offered by PREMIUM BANDAI is a box to store things, but it has been given the “Gokumonkyo” theme, with several eyes on each of the faces and even with the image of Satoru Gojo inside. (referring to him just being sealed in the anime adaptation). It is certainly a rather curious and, above all, opportunistic product. With dimensions of 300 mm per side, the launch is scheduled for next December and will be priced at 5,500 yen, which translates to $37. For a simple box!

Of course, the Jujutsu Kaisen fan community was quick to react to the product, especially due to the recent events of the anime adaptation added to an apparent death in the original manga. With comments like “ Just at the perfect time ”; « It's not completely faithful because the content can be easily removed » and « Enough is enough, don't torture me anymore with Gojo-kun leaving », there were certainly mixed reactions.

Source: Otakomu

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