Almost a decade after the project's initial announcement, the highly anticipated live-action Naruto movie receives an exciting update. The original manga, created by Masashi Kishimoto , has captivated fans for years with the story of its main character, who longs to become the Hokage of the village of him. Lionsgate announced the production of a live-action film in 2015, but since then, the project has remained relatively silent. However, Variety is now reporting that screenwriter Tasha Huo is in charge of writing the script for the long-awaited Naruto adaptation.
In her own words, Tasha Huo expressed her excitement about
working on adaptations of characters and stories she already loves. “Adapting
iconic characters or intellectual properties makes writing easier, because the
passion for writing is already present.” This deep connection to the
stories and characters she is adapting serves as a motivating force in her
creativity. Huo also shared his perspective on the action-adventure
genre, considering it a powerful vehicle to explore intimate human stories. Inspired
by films like “Gladiator,” which combine action with deeper themes, Huo seeks
to incorporate this approach into his projects. “It gives you a great
vehicle to tell big themes about human nature within the show“.
The original Naruto manga is extensive, with 700
chapters telling the entire story. The ninja adventure series is compared
to another epic, “One Piece“, whose live-action television adaptation
on Netflix was successful enough to be renewed for a second
season. Fidelity to the source material was key to the success of “One Piece,”
and is a crucial point that Huo seeks to address in the Naruto adaptation.
"For Naruto to work as a live-action project, Huo's script must
reflect Kishimoto's original work, keeping its story and characters intact,"
he highlights. Variety.
Tasha Huo sees the adaptation of Naruto as an exciting
challenge, considering the vast ninja world, complex characters and epic plot
of the original series. As a Naruto fan, she feels honored to help
bring this story to the big screen and bring to life the characters she has
loved for so long. It promises to maintain the essence of the series
while exploring deeper themes, a perspective that is sure to excite fans. With
attention paid to fidelity to the source material and Huo's focus on exploring
deeper themes, this adaptation promises to be exciting news for fans. The
audience, both old-timers and the new generation of fans, is looking forward to
the ninja journey that will undoubtedly be exciting and full of magic.
Fuente: Variety