Japanese people celebrated Komi-san Day



On May 3, Japanese Internet users joined together to celebrate “Komi-san Day,” a holiday derived from an ingenious play on words. In Japanese, the pronunciation of the numbers “5/3” can be read as “Ko-mi”, which led fans to establish this day as a special occasion to honor Komi-san, the beloved protagonist of the manga “ Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu ( Komi Can't Communicate ).”

The initiative also received official endorsement from the manga's author, Tomohito Oda, who officially announced May 3 as Komi-san Day. This decision was received with enthusiasm by the fan community, who took advantage of the opportunity to share illustrations, memes and messages of appreciation for the beloved character.

  • May 3 is Shouko Komi Day ," the author wrote on Twitter.


Since her debut in the pages of manga, Shouko Komi has captured the hearts of readers with her charm and her struggle to overcome her difficulty communicating with others. Her unique personality and adorable design have made her an icon of Japanese pop culture, gaining a dedicated fan base around the world.

Despite the celebration, fans of “Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu” are still eagerly awaiting the announcement of a third season of the anime , waiting with anticipation to continue enjoying the fun and moving adventures of Komi and her friends.

“Komi-san Day” has become a notable date on the calendar of manga and anime fans, an occasion to show their love and support for a character who has left an indelible mark on the otaku community.

Source: OfficialTwitter Account

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