On a popular
comment forum dedicated to otaku culture, fans found themselves immersed
in a lively debate about the decline of certain anime that
were once titans in the industry, but have lost relevance in the
conversations over time .
The question
posed by one of the users generated a deep reflection on the changing dynamics
of the otaku community and how interests shift towards the latest news. “What
are the animes that have completely fallen into irrelevance? I'm very
interested in shows that used to be giants in the industry, but now their
presence in the conversation is barely a whisper. What are some animes that
completely fell into irrelevance as time went on?” , the user
question triggered a series of varied responses, where participants reflected
on how certain animes, which once dominated the scene and captured the public's
attention, have gradually been forgotten or relegated to the background.
users pointed out that the ephemeral nature of the entertainment industry can
lead to even the biggest hits eventually falling into oblivion, overshadowed by
new proposals and trends. Others cited market saturation and media overexposure as factors
that may contribute to the decline in relevance of certain anime over time.
- « Tokyo Ghoul? Okay, that's
more because the final season was a disaster, but still, it used to be one
of the animes, right up there with SAO, Death Note, Code Geas, etc. Now
people do everything possible to forget it .
- « Noragami. It was
great, but it evaporated, especially because she didn't get a third
season. I would say Blue Exorcist, but he came back from the dead .
- « Haruhi and Shakugan no
Shana come to mind. Haruhi had a great first season, he was all over the
place. People who didn't watch it were really sick of seeing it on the
forums (yes, this was then). Shana was the quintessential tsundere. People
adored her. Both series are now so irrelevant that mentioning them can
provoke a “…huh?” among younger or more recent fans. Haruhi still has a
certain reputation, but I rarely see her mentioned on networks .
- « I had forgotten that
Magi existed for a whole decade until about 2 weeks ago. It used to be
huge .
- « Love Hina was very
important 20 years ago, as it was the archetype of ecchi harem anime in
its heyday. As the genre has fallen from favor, it has become a footnote .
- " A Certain Magical
Index was a hit when it premiered in 2008. If you ask anime fans under 25,
like my sister, if they know it, they probably don't ."
- « Before Sword Art
Online, Log Horizon and all those “trapped in a game” series, there was
the .hack series, in particular .hack//Sign ».
- « Log Horizon. It was
very popular, then the creator got into a tax fraud scandal, I think, and
disappeared for a LONG time. It came back… to mixed reviews and then it
just… disappeared .”
- « I don't see Ah! My
Goddess. Beldandy used to be a top-notch waifu back in her day .
- «Deadman Wonderland».
- " Haruhi Suzumiya
is nowhere near as big as it was in the mid-2000s ."
- " Lucky Star. A
classic that seems to fall further into irrelevance with each passing day ."
- « Who still remembers D.
Gray Man? ».
- « Elfen Lied and Mirai
Nikki were quite notable and controversial series when they premiered, but
nowadays they are hardly talked about .»
- « I haven't heard the
name Escaflowne since the 90s although I was in that great first wave .»
- " Yuri on Ice,
outside of the movie news, was already falling off the map a little bit
there ."
- « I feel like the only
person who remembers Durarara!! ».
- " Elfen Lied was
one of those animes that everyone watched back in the day and that are
barely mentioned now ."
- « Many anime from the
80s disappeared. Bubblegum Crisis, Project A-ko, Venus Wars, City Hunter.
They've tried to make modern versions of Appleseed, but after the latest
disasters, it seems like it's done. I'm glad some have come back and
received modern attention, like Urusei Yatsura, Saint Seiya or Legend of
the Galactic Heroes, but what I wouldn't give for a remake of Touch .
- « It's hard to say that
it has declined compared to many of the things mentioned here (because
even in its heyday I don't think it reached those heights), BUT Angel
Beats! I remember that for a while, everyone had it somewhere in their Top
- " Hellsing ".
- « I haven't heard of Yu
Yu Hakusho, D Gray Man, Toriko or Reborn in a long time. I don't know if
she was a powerhouse, but Major was fantastic and yet I never saw people
talking about her .
- « Yona of the Dawn. I
still recommend it from time to time, but it didn't get a second season,
which reduced its popularity .
- « Shizumiya's Toradora
and Melancholy? The most die-hard fans will say otherwise .
- « Full Metal Panic was a
very popular series 15-20 years ago, even among those who did not watch
anime. Now it is barely mentioned .
- « Lucky Stars. More or
less the big beginning of moe culture crystallized and had a huge impact
on anime culture .
- «Soul Eater».
- « Slayers and Record of
Lodoss War were very popular in my country when they first came out... I
haven't heard anyone talk about either of them since the early 2000s.
Urotsukidouji was the joke about hentai until the mid 2000s here too ».
Source: Reddit