They fear that Happosai will be eliminated from Ranma 1/2


The iconic manga series “ Ranma 1/2 ” , created by the renowned mangaka Rumiko Takahashi , will have a new anime adaptation , generating great expectation and discussion on social networks. The work, which chronicles the hilarious and often chaotic adventures of Ranma Saotome, a young martial artist who transforms into a girl when splashed with cold water, and his fiancée Akane Tendo, was a huge success in its original 1989 adaptation.

This new remake project follows in the footsteps of another popular Takahashi series, “Urusei Yatsura ,” which was recently re-adapted. However, this revival has brought with it certain debates, especially regarding how certain characters and themes will be adapted to current standards. One of the points of controversy is the character of Happosai, an elderly martial arts master known for his inappropriate behavior, including sexual harassment and thefts of women's underwear.

Happosai, who is the teacher of Ranma and Akane's parents, is a character with a strong comedic charge and deviant behavior , which has generated concern among fans about how he will be portrayed in the new version. The depiction of characters with behaviors like Happosai's can be problematic nowadays , so there is speculation about possible changes to his characterization or even his elimination. Some fans have already expressed their opinions, recalling that even in its original era, the character was the subject of criticism.

In recent statements, Rumiko Takahashi explained that she created Happosai as an annoying and loud character to interact awkwardly with the character of Ranma . Despite his problematic nature, Happosai has an important role in the story, not only as an occasional antagonist, but also as a mentor in Ranma's growth as a martial artist. The skill “Celestial Dragon Blast” , one of Ranma's most powerful techniques, was learned in his confrontation with Happosai.

The discussion has also extended to the voice cast, since Ichiro Nagai, who gave life to Happosai in the original series, died in 2014. Among the names that have emerged to replace him are Takehito Koyasu, known for his work in the anime as Dio Brando in “JoJo's Bizarre Adventure,” and Kappei Yamaguchi, who played Ranma in the original series.


The remake of “Ranma ½” not only promises a new opportunity to enjoy this classic, but also poses an interesting challenge for the creators: how to adapt a beloved work but with controversial elements to the contemporary context . The fan community is eagerly awaiting more details about the project, which will undoubtedly be a hot topic in the anime world in the coming months.

  • « Happosai is not only not funny, it is disgusting. When someone scolds him for stealing underwear, he gets angry and puts himself in the role of victim, without having any awareness that he is doing something wrong .

  • « Also, this guy is one of the strongest in the series, so even when others seriously try to stop him, they end up being defeated by him. Pantyhose Taro's child abuse story was also too cruel. Pure evil triumphs over the good side, causing viewers to accumulate hatred very quickly. He is a stress generator .

  • « He's like Master Roshi from Dragon Ball, right? A copy ".

  • « Not at all like Master Roshi. Roshi is perverted, but deep down he is a fair person and a good teacher. Happosai, on the other hand, is a sex offender to the core. It is a mystery how he could live in the Tendo house .

  • He's the only character I didn't like in Ranma 1/2 ."

  • « Happosai is a character that doesn't really matter if he's not there. They could remove it completely and there would be almost no problem. They could adapt Pantyhose Taro's background in Ranma 1/2 in some other way .

  • « Happosai does what he wants and almost never gets punished in the end, which is why he is so hated. If there was always an outcome where he got into trouble, that would have saved him. Charisma is important ».

Source: HachimaKikou

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