Fans upset because anime Pokémon don't evolve


Recently, an opinion published on Japanese social networks has generated a wide debate among fans of the “ Pokémon ” anime. The comment, which quickly trended, expresses the belief that complaints about not wanting certain Pokémon to evolve in the series come primarily from adults , while children, the primary target audience, actually want to see their favorite Pokémon evolve. . The full post says:

  • « Honestly, I think when Pokémon viewers say 'don't evolve this Pokémon,' that's just adults complaining. When I was a kid, I wondered 'why doesn't Gible evolve?' or I thought 'ending Pignite is too half-hearted', so I think kids probably want to see the evolutions ."


This comment has unleashed a wave of responses on social networks, with many Internet users expressing their own opinions on the subject , some supporting the initial position and others questioning it.
Here are some of the most notable comments:

  • There is no reason not to evolve a Pokémon in the game, except when 'not evolving it' makes it stronger or when the final evolution is so powerful that it is banned in tournaments ."
  • « I remember when I watched the anime as a child, there was an episode where it seemed like Piplup was going to evolve, but in the end they decided that 'Piplup is better as he is' and as a child I was disappointed. I wanted to see Prinplup .
  • « Since the original Pokémon is a breeding game, where you 'normally' evolve your Pokémon to improve their stats, there is no benefit to not evolving them. Respecting the Pokémon's will, as in the case of Ash's Bulbasaur, does not make any sense from a gameplay perspective .
  • I remember thinking 'why did Charmander evolve into Charizard but Bulbasaur and Squirtle stayed the same?'... that always disappointed me a little ."
  • « I've been watching Pokémon since the first generation, and while at that time it made sense for some Pokémon not to evolve, such as Bulbasaur and Pikachu, at other times it seems that decisions were made more for the convenience of adults than for development nature of history .
  • « When Ash prepares for the Pokémon League and still has unevolved Pokémon on his team, it really frustrates me. It is enough that Pikachu never evolves, there is no need for there to be more Pokémon in that state .
  • I understand that in Pokémon contests it makes sense not to evolve, but in Pokémon gyms or leagues, not evolving your Pokémon seems like a weak strategy ."

The original opinion and the responses it has generated reflect a broader debate among Pokémon fans about the evolution of the characters in the anime, a topic that clearly remains relevant and divisive among fans of the franchise. The current trend on social media suggests that this discussion is not over yet, and that both adults and children have very different perspectives on what they expect to see in their favorite Pokémon.

Source: Yaraon!

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