The anime premiered on the Tokyo TV channel on April 4 and on BS TV Tokyo on April 10.
This new series celebrates the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the anime franchise. Previously, Konami had announced the series with the mocking phrase: “The story of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Switch to".
Production team
Nobuhiro Kondo will be in charge of directing the series. On the other hand, Toshimitsu Takeuchi will be the supervisor of the scripts while Masahiro Hikokubo, Kazuko Tadano and Hiromi Matsushita will be in charge of the designs for both the duels and the characters. The series will be animated in the Bridge studio.
(C) ス タ ジ オ ・ ダ イ ス / 集 英 社 ・ テ レ ビ 東京 ・ KONAMI