The Princess Connect game! causes a divorce in Japan

In recent hours, the message that an anonymous woman left on a blog dedicated to helping people with family problems has gone viral. This post is to complain about the Princess Connect game .
The woman accuses the aforementioned game of spoiling her marital relationship since, since her husband downloaded Princess Connect! Little by little, he has become addicted to it and has even spent thousands of yen to buy accessories for the characters.

The woman writes the following on the blog:
I am 29 years old, my husband is 35 and we have a 4 year old son.
I know very little about the Puricone game (Princess Connect), I have seen it announced in some commercials and I even thought that it was a game for perverts due to the exaggerated use of children's characters in quite revealing outfits.
Of course, at the time of thinking that, I never imagined that my husband would have that game downloaded on his smartphone.
Soon after, I found out that my husband was a heavy fan of this game and we started arguing because he was spending around 100,000 yen on it alone, putting his responsibilities aside.
Before, he was a responsible father, but now he doesn't even care about his son.
The worst came later when on his computer I found a folder with hundreds of photos of the Princess Connect characters, some of them quite unpleasant.
From what you can see in the gameplay trailer, the characters are high school students and it's pretty awkward to be married to a man who, at his age, is obsessed with Lolicon hobbies. I can no longer see or treat him like my husband.

Princess Connect! is a Japanese role-playing video game developed by the company Cygames . The game launched on February 18, 2015 and ended the service in June 2016. Shortly after, a sequel titled Princess Connect! Re: Dive which has an animated adaptation released on April 6 and is currently broadcast.

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