On the official Twitter account for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Hideaki Sorachi, Gintama, it was announced that the franchise will have a new animated special that will premiere exclusively in Japan through the dTV streaming service at the beginning of the year. 2021. This project will be directly related to his animated film, also scheduled for 2021.
【速報】銀魂\新作アニメ特別編/制作決定!!— アニメ銀魂 (@gintamamovie) June 20, 2020
"2021年早め"公開の #アニメ劇場版銀魂 に関連する内容の「新作アニメ特別編」が制作決定!
続報は随時お届け!#gintama pic.twitter.com/MyPHuh8KHf
For its part, the original manga ended in issue # 42 of 2018 of Weekly Shonen Jump magazine by Shueisha, published on September 15, 2018, as planned. However, the publisher announced that the manga would continue "for a little more" in Jump Giga magazine.
Sorachi started publishing the work since 2004 and has inspired multiple anime seasons, two animated films, several OVAs and various events, two live-action films and two live-action series.
Synopsis of Gintama
The "Amanto", aliens from outer space who have invaded Earth and completely taken over Feudal Japan. As a result, a ban on the use of swords was established, and samurai in Japan are treated with contempt as a consequence.
However, one man, Gintoki Sakata, still possesses the heart of a samurai, although for his love of sweets and his work at the Yorozuya (a shop that does anything), one would not expect it of him. Accompanied in his work by Shinpachi Shimura, a boy with glasses and a big heart; Kagura, a girl with an umbrella and a bottomless stomach; and for his pet Sadaharu, a huge dog. Of course, these weird jobs are not always easy, sometimes he has trouble with the police, with the rebels or with murderers, leading to unfortunate but funny situations.
Source: Official Twitter Account
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