Japan promotes the use of the male condom through anime

Japanese condom brand Okamoto Condoms released a short series titled Condom Battler Goro. As the title suggests, the series focuses on anime characters who fight using condoms with the aim of promoting safe sex in a rather fun way, and it is inevitable not to compare the appearance of the protagonist with Ash Ketchum and the plot as the series Dragon Ball.

Although the episodes are numbered in such a way that it seems that this is a long-running epic series, in reality only four episodes have been uploaded, so the count is only to pretend.

Episode 1: "The birth of Condom Battler Goro".

Episode 19: "The survival test begins."

Episode 45: "The Kondomu Martial Arts Tournament begins."

Episode 56: “See you later, dear Goro!

The story ends with Goro discovering that his father, as might be expected, did not use a condom in his sexual relations, which led to his birth. Goro then gives him a painful farewell, and he is determined to continue using protection in his sexual relations, until the moment he is ready to stop doing it.

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