In the official Twitter account for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Aka Akasaka, Kaguya-sama: Love is War, it was announced that the franchise will hold a special event on October 25 at the Koshigaya Sun City, in the Saitama Prefecture.
【🎉イベント開催決定🎉】— アニメ「かぐや様は告らせたい」公式 (@anime_kaguya) June 20, 2020
場所:サンシティ越谷 大ホール
The event will feature the full cast of voices including Aoi Koga (voiced by Kaguya Shinomiya), Makoto Furukawa (voiced by Miyuki Shirogane), Konomi Kohara (voiced by Chika Fujiwara), Ryouta Suzuki (voiced by Yuu Ishigami), Miyu Tomita (the voice of Miko Iino), Yumiri Hanamoro (the voice of Ai Hayasaka), among other members. In addition, the event will also include singers Masayuki Suzuki, Halca, Rikka Ihara and Airi Suzuki, who have participated in the series' musical themes.
The entrance ticket will be priced at 7,480 yen (approximately $ 70) and the pre-sale of the same will start the same day of the launch of the first Blu-ray / DVD compilation of the second season, on June 24.
For her part, Akasaka published the manga in Shueisha publisher Miracle Jump magazine in May 2015, and moved it to Weekly Young Jump magazine in 2016. The publisher published the seventeenth compilation volume on January 22.
The work so far has two spin-off manga, in addition to the first season of the anime that premiered in January 2019 and had twelve episodes. Additionally, a second season is currently broadcast since April 11 and it is confirmed that it will have twelve episodes while maintaining the same production team as the first.
Synopsis of Kaguya-sama: Love is War
Kaguya Shinomiya and Miyuki Shirogane are members of the incredibly prestigious Shuichi’in Academy student council, affirming their positions as geniuses among geniuses. All the time they spend together has caused the two of them to develop feelings for each other, but their pride does not allow them to be the first to confess and become the submissive in the relationship! Love is war, and your battle to make the other confess begins now!
Source: Comic Natalie
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