In the July issue of Kodansha publisher Nakayoshi magazine, it was announced that the spin-off manga written and illustrated by Haruyuki Yoshida, Hataraku Saikin will end in the next issue of the magazine on July 3.
Yoshida began publishing the manga under the supervision of Akane Shimizu in Kodansha's Nakayoshi magazine in April 2017. The publisher will publish the seventh and final compilation volume on August 6.
The manga is a spin-off of the manga written and illustrated by Akane Shimizu, Hataraku Saibou, which has been published in Kodansha publisher Monthly Shonen Sirius magazine since March 2015. The publisher published the fifth compilation volume in August 2017. This manga is inspiring a second season of its anime adaptation that will premiere in January 2021.
Synopsis of Hataraku Saikin
Cells are not the only organisms that inhabit the human body! Deep in your gut, a war breaks out between good bacteria, bad bacteria, and opportunistic pathogens. The evil bacteria, led by the Welch bacilli; and good bacteria led by Bifidobacteria are constantly found in battles for supremacy within the intestines.
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