Users debate on sexualization of women in anime on Twitter

Manga and anime are a much-loved industry in the world today, but there is a recurring trend in it, and it is the portrayal of women with huge breasts that defy physics, which tends to divide the public on several occasions.

The topic of female busts in the animation world recently became trending again, after a video went viral on TikTok , featuring a particular scene from the Shokugeki no Souma anime .
The image shows Erina Nakiri, one of the protagonists of this cooking-themed series, in a chef's uniform. However, this is not a common chef's outfit, as instead of pressing on the chest as they normally do, this design seems to highlight that area even more prominently, drawing the viewer's attention.
TikTok user, @shrimptempuraroll , shared a video reacting to the aforementioned scene, and wondering "Who is looks like a blouse? How are they really going to be done? ”And ending with,“ Was it really necessary to sexualize your kitchen uniform? ”.
— 藤井美穂🦄俳優/プラスサイズモデル Miho Fuji (@mihoimiofficial) May 23, 2020
Japanese user @mihoimiofficial shared the video on social media with Japanese subtitles to explain to her followers, who are mostly Japanese. In her own message attached to the video, the user wrote:
This TikTok video points to the representation of the breasts in Shokugeki no Souma, which is currently broadcast in the United States, and has more than 100,000 positive votes. I hope that not only the creators but the viewers begin to think about how they are representing women and if this representation will have any positive impact on the future of the female gender. Men are no longer the only ones watching anime, so I think the best thing is for them to rethink their ideas . "
Both the original video and the video with Japanese subtitles generated a lot of views and comments. However, the user from Japan received a large number of comments against it.
“ This is about freedom of expression. Point ".
Don't take it as something real ."
The characters also have pink or purple hair in the anime, don't think they are representations of reality ."
It is strange that activists defend obese women in underwear, but are offended by a fictional character with a beautiful body ."
Maybe the anime should come with warning messages like, 'This is an anime for men,' so women won't have to look at it and take offense ."
On the other hand, the TikTok user from the United States received a lot of comments in favor of her opinion against the sexualization of anime characters:
It looks like she wears a latex outfit at a cooking competition ."
Sealing a vacuum, so it seems. "
And it's a chef's uniform, in a suit like that she should look flat. "
It's called fan-service and it's always been around. Get used to it. 
“ I wear these same outfits as a cooking student and let me tell you, they don't look like this, they make you look like a table. "
But it didn't stay that way, as Twitter user @mihoimiofficial pointed out the disparity of comments in a second post, mentioning how strange it is that she received negative comments despite making the same comment as the girl from the United States. .
This presented a revealing insight into the different ways that men and women perceive female characters in the world of manga and anime, and how the society in which they live (in this case Japan and the United States) plays a role. important in this perception.
After all, in Japan anime women with prominent busts are even used on Red Cross posters to encourage blood donations, and high school idol girls star in promotional posters for the sale of tangerines. What if a giant inflatable schoolgirl with her panties exposed were installed on a public beach in your country? In Japan, not much.
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