Kenjirou Tsuda, the voice of Overhaul, reveals that he is married and has two children


Actor and voice actor Kenjirou Tsuda revealed through an Instagram post that he is married and has two children. The popular voice actor had kept his love life private for his own safety, but mentioned that he felt compelled to announce this information after a weekly newspaper published an article about their marriage the same day.

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ご報告 本日発売の週刊誌に私の結婚に関する記事が出ましたことでお騒がせし誠に申し訳ありません。 妻とは私が舞台役者として駆け出しの頃に舞台の世界で出会い、交際期間を経て結婚、暫くして子供が出来ました。 妻は一般の人で、現在子供が2人います。 結婚当初、生活の安全を脅かされる文書が頻繁に届く事があり、公表しない方が安全を守れると思いました。 また、私が好きな俳優さんや声優さんは私生活が見えない魅力がある方が多く、自分もそういう表現者になりたいという思いもあった為今まで公表せずにいました。 今回の記事により、影響を受けてしまう方がいらっしゃるかもしれない、そして、仕事の関係者様にもご迷惑をお掛けしてしまうと思い、このタイミングで公表させて頂きました。 いつも応援して下さっている皆様、この様な形での公表になって申し訳ありません。 これからも真摯に良い芝居、良い作品をお届け出来る様に精進して参りますのでどうぞ宜しくお願い致します。 2020年7月7日 津田健次郎
Una publicación compartida de 津田健次郎 (@2_da_ken) el

"When we were married the first time, we received many frequent messages threatening our security, and I thought choosing not to advertise it would be best," he wrote. "Also, there are several actors and voice actors that I admire, who keep their private lives a secret, and wanted to be like them, that's why I chose not to announce my marriage until now."

Tsuda stated that he is now making the announcement because he feels that there may be people shocked by the posted tabloid article, and that this could also cause problems for people related to his work. The actor apologized for revealing this information in this way. "I will continue to strive diligently to be the best actor I can be, and I appreciate your support," he concluded.

Kenjiro Tsuda is perhaps best known for being the voice of Seto Kaiba in Yu-Gi-Oh !. Tsuda also portrayed Hannes in Shingeki no Kyojin, Overhaul in My Hero Academia, Hyakunosuke Ogata in Golden Kamuy, and Akihito Narihisago in ID: INVADED. Recently, the actor directed and starred in a promotional video for the Gokushufudou manga.

Via Otakomu]

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