On the official site for the light novel series written by Shirow Shiratori and illustrated by Shirabi, Ryuuou no Oshigoto !, the cover of the thirteenth volume was revealed to be published in Japan on August 6.
Shiratori started publishing the light novels with illustrations of Shirabi through the GA Bunko imprint of SB Creative in September 2015. The publisher published the twelfth volume on February 14.
The work inspired a twelve-episode anime adaptation produced by Project No.9 studios, directed by Shinsuke Yanagi and scripts written by Fumihiko Shimo, released in January 2018. To date, no clues have been revealed about the production of a second season.
Synopsis of Ryuuou no Oshigoto!
This story follows a teenager named Yaichi Kuzuryuu, who is the strongest shogi player in history, with the main title "Ryuuou" (Dragon King). One fateful day, Ai Hinatsuru, a primary school student who loves shogi, appears before him and tells him that he had promised to be his teacher. But was such a promise really made? Thus began their relationship of teacher and disciple!
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