The Fate / EXTRA game will have a remake to celebrate its tenth anniversary

Developer Type-Moon BB announced Wednesday that it is working on the remake for the game Fate / EXTRA released 10 years ago by Marvelous Entertainment. This new release will be titled Fate / EXTRA: Record. The announcement did not reveal a platform or release date for the game.

Kazuya Nino, director of the Type-Moon BB studio and who was behind the original title Fate / EXTRA, will direct and be in charge of planning this remake.

The game was released in 2010 by Marvelous Entertainment and Type-Moon in Japan. The distributor Aksys Games was in charge of bringing the game to the west in 2011. In March 2013, a complementary game for this franchise was released, called Fate / EXTRA CCC, which was available only for PSP consoles. The games are set in an alternate universe to that of the well-known Fate / Stay Night franchise.

The game in question was adapted into a 10-episode animated series in March 2018 by Shaft Studios. Subsequently, the series had 3 extra episodes premiered in July of that same year entitled Fate / EXTRA Encore.

Source: Fate/Extra Record's website

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