The KOEI Tecmo company published the animated opening sequence of the video game developed by Guts, Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy. The video also shows the musical theme titled "Somewhen, Somewhere ..." performed by Clammbon.
The game will be released for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch consoles in Japan on December 3. Later, it will be released for PC via Steam on January 26, 2021. A physical version for PlayStation 5 was in development, but was recently canceled.
The installment will also have a North American release on January 26, 2021 for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC consoles via Steam, and digitally on PlayStation 5. In Europe the game will be released on January 29, 2021.
Those who purchase the game within the first two weeks of its release will receive a redemption code to obtain a set of summer outfits. Players who have save data from the previous game will be able to unlock the Classic Costume Set. Finally, the first video game titled Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout was released for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC consoles via Steam in North America in October 2019.
Synopsis for Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy
The sequel takes place three years after the events of Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout. In the story, Ryza travels to the royal capital of Ashra-am Baird and explores ancient ruins to uncover the mystery of lost legends. You can learn new skills like swimming, and throughout your journey, Ryza will once again join your fun, mischievous group of friends.
The first of them confirmed is Klaudia, who is the only daughter of a merchant family, who has been working in the Royal Capital, always remembering the adventures she had with Ryza three years before, finding her destiny intertwined once again with her friend. .
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