Kirito's main weapon in the animated franchise Sword Art Online: Alicization, called "Sword of the Night Sky", will have a life-size replica by the Tamashii Nations "Proplica" line, as an item dedicated to the most prominent collectors.
The sword was revealed during the TAMASHII NATION 2020 event, broadcast online between November 6 and 8 of this year. More details will be announced soon.
In addition, Sword Art Online: Alicization is the third season of the animated adaptation of the light novels written by Reki Kawahara and illustrated by Abec. Produced by A-1 Pictures Studios under the direction of Manabu Ono, the series had a total of 47 episodes divided into four arcs that were broadcast between October 2018 and September 2020, and adapted volumes nine to eighteen of the original work.
Source: The Mainichi Shimbun's Mantan-Web
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