On the official site for the anime adaptation of the light novels written by Yuka Tachibana and illustrated by Yasuyuki Shuri, Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou desu (The Saint's Magic Ability is Omnipotent), it was revealed that the series has set its Japanese premiere date for April 6 through different TV stations. Funimation has the distribution rights.
Tachibana began publishing the novels in 2016 through the independent service Shousetsuka ni Narou. Subsequently, in February 2017, it began publication in print with illustrations by Yasuyuki Shuri through the Kadokawa Books imprint of Fujimi Shobo Publishing House. Six volumes and a manga adaptation have been published to date.
Synopsis of Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou desu
Sei, a 20-year-old office worker, was summoned to a different world after finishing some overtime. But the person who had summoned her looked her in the face and said, "This is not the Saint. Is this a game of negligence!!!? Sei left the royal palace and hid her title of saint. She began working in a laboratory where she made potions and cosmetics. She used her magic to grant people's requests and slowly people began to suspect that she was a saint... Can Sei enjoy her slow, dreamy life in a different world without her saint title being discovered!!!!
Sources: The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent anime's website, Mainichi Shimbun's Mantan Web