Wonder Egg Priority anime accused of ‘being sexist’


The fourth episode of the original CloverWorks anime, Wonder Egg Priority, sparked controversy among internet users, even from within Japan, by including a dialogue labeled "sexist." The scene is described as follows: “a new character is introduced, a girl, although she is greatly mistaken for a boy when she passes in front of the other protagonists. They both wonder why there is a boy in the space where they are, since only girls are supposed to be present there. The above is just the presentation, it is not what caused the controversy.

The rest of the conversation flows as follows:

Acca, what does this mean? There should be no boys here.

"Yes. Boy and girl suicides mean different things. Men are goal-oriented, while women are emotion-oriented. Women are impulsive and easily influenced by the voices of others. Still, they shouldn't care about gender.

"So is! You should not discriminate.


The conversation was deemed "sexist" by various members of the social media community, and the situation was observed even from within Japan. Thus, the director of this production had to explain the situation: «I felt insecure because we are still in broadcast and I do not want to add many parentheses in the production. But I will make an exception. I was planning to add an additional dialogue after the 'What?', Where it was mentioned: 'The brains of girls and boys are the same', although I assumed that the message could be expressed with only facial expressions, so I cut it out.

Wonder Egg Priority Synopsis

Following the suicide of her best and only friend, Koito Nagase, Ai Ooto faces her new reality. With nothing to live for, she follows the instructions of a mysterious entity and is forced to buy an egg, or specifically, a Wonder Egg.

By breaking the egg into a world that materializes during her dream, Ai is tasked with saving people from the adversities that come their way. In doing so, she believes that she has come one step closer to saving her best friend. With this dangerous but tempting opportunity in the palms of her hands, Ai enters a place where she must recognize the relationship between other people's demons and her own.

As past traumas, unforgettable regrets, and innate fears are born in the strange world of Wonder Egg Priority, a young woman discovers the various inner struggles that haunt humanity and rescues her from her worst fears.

Source: Official Twitter Account


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