On the official site for the upcoming animated film based on the manga written and illustrated by Takehiko Inoue , Slam Dunk , it was announced that the premiere has been scheduled for the Fall-2022 (October-December) season in Japan. The press release also included the production team for this project, the title of which remains to be decided.
Inoue published the manga magazine Weekly Shonen Jump publisher Shueisha between October 1990 and June 1996, a total of 31 recopilatorios volumes. The play inspired a 101-episode anime adaptation produced by Toei Animation Studios, directed by Nobutaka Nishizawa and scripts written by Nobuaki Kishima , released in October 1993.
This production was followed by four short films (less than sixty minutes) produced by Toei Animation and released between 1994 and 1995. The films included original content as the manga had not yet been finalized and since then it has not been produced again. nothing related to the franchise, besides video games.
Slam Dunk Synopsis
Source: Comic Natalie