In an impressive technological milestone, artificial intelligence (AI) has taken the representation of anime characters to a new level by creating a series of short videos where iconic anime girls are recreated as real, flesh-and-blood women. This trailer is particularly notable as it goes beyond simple static illustrations and features characters such as Frieren from “ Sousou no Frieren ”, Power from “ Chainsaw Man ”, Tohru from “ Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon ”, Number 18 from “ Dragon Ball Z ” and others, in realistic and dynamic situations.
This advance, although subtle, represents a significant
step in the ability of artificial intelligence to generate more interactive and
dynamic visual content. The process used by these AIs involves several
key stages. First, the recognition and mapping of the unique
characteristics of each selected anime character is carried out. The AI
then generates realistic movements and expressions based on this information,
including subtle details such as blinks and slight movements. The
moving representation is then adapted to a video format, allowing the
characters to come to life in a sequence of moving images. Finally,
refinement techniques are applied to improve realism, adjusting details such as
lighting and movement synchronization.
This innovative process allows anime characters that were
once drawn and animated to now manifest in the real world, even if it is in
digital format. While the trailer may be subtle, it represents an
exciting step forward at the intersection between artificial intelligence and
the visual representation of beloved anime characters. The community is
looking forward to how this technology will evolve and what new horizons it
will open for visual creativity in the future.
Fuente: @ueshita_naname_en Twitter