These are the West's favorite H genres



Within the MyAnimeList forums , a poll was carried out among Western Internet users (mostly English-speaking), who voted for their favorite hentai genres to date . Although the survey had a limited selection of options (hentai genres are counted by dozens and dozens, and then even divided into subgenres), the results attracted attention since they serve to analyze the interests of the community of fans of this side of the pond .


For this article we will compile the top ten positions of the survey , accompanied by a quick description for those who are not so familiar with this culture:

  • 1. Rape (Rape): Any story that includes any type of sexual relationship without the consent of one of the parties. Rape can be committed by a man towards a woman or vice versa. [25.7% of Votes]

  • 2. Vanilla : Any romance story that begins and ends without any external problems. Understand it as an uncomplicated story, especially for those who do not want to “read something heavy.” [18.3% of Votes]

  • 3. MILF : The well-known abbreviation of Mother I'd Like to Fuck, and refers to any beautiful woman who, due to her age, could be the mother of anyone who is interested in her. [12.7% of Votes]

  • 4. Lolicon : The controversial genre that stars girls or any woman who is drawn to look like one (short stature, hairless and childish appearance). [9.3% of Votes]

  • 4. Incest : The “northern genre” par excellence, which covers any relationship that exists between blood relatives (direct siblings, cousins) or even between affinity relatives (stepmother, stepfather, stepbrothers). [9.3% of Votes]

  • 6. Yuri : Any story that involves a sexual relationship between two women. Although mangas for all audiences that involve this type of relationship are called “yuri” even, some prefer to separate the themes and call it “Girls Love” for the most general meaning. [6.9% of Votes]

  • 7. NTR (Netorare) : The controversial genre that involves the protagonist (whether woman or man) suffering from infidelity on the part of their partner. Some even prefer to expand it and even consider the fact that your love interest sleeps with someone else as infidelity, although by definition it is not “being unfaithful.” [5.8% of Votes]

  • 8. Futanari : The popular images of “women with dicks” are futanari. They are generally still considered women, and by having relationships with others then it would fundamentally be a “yuri”. Anyway, it is common for futanari penises to be extremely large, perhaps so that readers forget that it is a woman who carries it. [4.8% of Votes]

  • 9. Yaoi : This is any story that involves a sexual relationship between two men. In the same way as yuri, when it comes to manga in general, the fandom prefers to call it “Boys Love”, simply to make a separation. [3.7% of Votes]

And of course, the comments were immediate among Western fans:

  • « I go for vanilla whenever possible, I am a man of simple tastes ».

  • « Always vanilla, because it means consensual relationships and no strange things. It bothers me to see rape stories and anything else like lolis or shotas. I don't hate NTR or incest, but I don't like them very much either .

  • « To date I have seen little hentai, but of the options available, I think I am interested in incest and lolis (although I am not a big fan of the latter either) ».

  • « Vanilla is my favorite. But I think I'm more interested in the quality of the animation. I always prefer hentai that look prettier ."

  • « My brother NTR fans, gather together .»

  • « It's yuri it's life. I need more yuri animes in my life .

  • « The results of this survey confirm the “rape fantasy” that most men have ».

  • « Vanilla tends to invite towards healthier relationships. I am quite open to any other topic, but rape is not something that interests me very much. Even NTR seems more interesting to me .

  • My favorite is mind control, it's a genre that is still being explored ."
  • « I choose incest because “Incest = Wincest”. It seems that many people are interested in rape fantasies, why might that be? ».

  • « MILFs with huge tits and asses easily surpass anything a loli could offer, I really don't understand those tastes .»

  • « Vanilla, nothing beats a sweet and loving relationship. There are many things that can be added to a vanilla doujinshi, such as blowjobs, titjobs and so on, it is a very complete genre .

  • « Femdom is my favorite even though it is not in the selection. They generally prefer Onee-sans to MILFs, who are younger than the latter. I don't like rape, what excites me is seeing a woman enjoy, not suffer .

  • « Definitely my favorite is NTR. I find it funny that many people complain about it, but it is always the dominant genre in surveys and the one that gets the best animations on the market .

  • « The NTR always has the best stories, although with twists and pathetic protagonists. I think the vanilla ones are always the same .

  • « Yuri is the purest form of love. However, seeing that rapes got a high position is somewhat worrying .

  • « The vast majority of erotic rape fantasies are intended for women. It is the most common fetish among women. In hentai h-manga that might not be the case, but still pulling the man-hatred over this is pretty silly. Also, why do you assume that rape means that the person in question wants to be the rapist? ».

  • « I honestly don't understand why despite hating sex and constantly being on you he keeps breaking into threads about sex. Don't be so self-righteous with erotic fantasies. As for vanilla, there is nothing more to say, it is the superior genre in any hentai story. Other genres such as gender-bender, crossdressing, tomboy and others also fit very well with vanilla .

Source: MyAnimeList

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