In an exceptional achievement, the anime adaptation of “Sousou no Frieren (Frieren: Beyond Journey's End)” has secured the top position in MyAnimeList's overall ranking for a full month. With an outstanding score of 9.14 points from more than 388 thousand reviews, the series has surpassed renowned competitors, including the iconic “Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood “.
Despite the fierce competition, “Sousou no Frieren”
remains firmly at the top, evidencing the positive resonance among viewers. The
most impressive thing is that the series has managed remain several tenths
above the long-standing dominance of “Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood”, which
generally leads the list.
However, the victory has not been without controversy. Loyal
fans of “Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood” have employed tactics such as
“review-bombing” to discredit the competition. Despite a number being
observed significant minimum ratings in the series' statistics, the quality and
appreciation of “Sousou no Frieren” have not been overshadowed.
It should be noted that these anti-fans have resorted to
using temporary accounts, a strategy that often results in purges by the
MyAnimeList system. Despite attempts to overshadow the success of
“Sousou no Frieren”, the positive ratings and the perseverance of the followers
have consolidated its position at the top of the ranking, marking a milestone
in history recent from MyAnimeList.
In short, the combined work of the studios Madhouse and the
director Keiichiro SaitoMyAnimeList Let's review the opinion
of the Japanese:How much longer will Frieren manage to dominate its
competitors?. “, which has been highlighted by its widespread
dominance in the general list of Sousou no Frieren“, have
catapulted the popularity of “ Bocchi the Rock!, who had previously
stood out for his genius in directing “
- «Definitely,
Sousou no Frieren is a quite interesting series».
- «I
love the quality of the animation, constant in each of the episodes. I
don't think we've seen anything like this in a long time.
- «Well,
for me, it seems that the series is passing without pain or glory. Maybe
I'm in the wrong circles?».
- «I
really don't understand why people think this series or “SPY x FAMILY” is
good, so I don't share the feeling of pride».
- «If
he has pointy ears, that alone lowers moe points for the series. I think
I'm used to poorly written elven characters, like the heroine of “Re:Zero”».
- «I
didn't think the score would stay high. It should be noted that we are
only going through the prologue».
- «Well,
as always, foreigners value good animation more than a good story».
- «Seeing
“BLEACH” and “Gintama” so high on that list, it really has no credibility».
- «Even
if the score is high, it doesn't mean it's popular».
- «The
manga is definitely more interesting, I think the pace of the anime is
quite bad».
- «It's
certainly interesting. I like it and I'm interested in it, so I've
followed the anime since its premiere. But is it enough to take the top?
It's questionable, if you ask me. I would say the same as with “Kimetsu no
Yaiba”, I like it but I don't think it's the best thing ever».
- «I'm
surprised that foreigners like a series where there isn't a shonen
character who thinks with his crotch, like any other Shonen Jump series.
Fuente: Yaraon!