Women in Japan prefer older men


In Japan, a survey about youth love conducted a few years ago has once again become a trending topic on social media. The survey, conducted in 2020, asked girls between the ages of 13 and 19 about their preferences in romance, such as the ideal age of their partner, what qualities attract them the most, and whether they would agree to meet someone through social media or dating apps.

One of the most interesting topics was the age of the ideal partner. The majority of respondents, 55%, preferred to date someone older, while 42% opted for someone their own age and only 3% preferred a partner younger than themselves. And for those who preferred to date someone older, the age limit they considered acceptable varied.


Twenty-four percent were fine with a five-year age difference, 21 percent were fine with a ten-year age difference, and 14 percent preferred just three years. What was surprising was that among high school students, one in four would not mind if their partner was ten or more years older than them.

And as for what they look for in a partner, the answers were more than predictable. Physically, the most valued traits were height, an attractive face and a clean and well-styled appearance. As for personality, the most important thing was that he or she be kind, have a sense of humor, be attentive and someone you could trust.

But another interesting point was the general perception of love. At that time, 32% of the respondents had a platonic love, but only 8% had a boyfriend. Despite that, 78% said they did want to have a partner at some point, and it was highlighted that 60% saw it as a good thing to meet someone through social networks or dating apps, which shows that these types of encounters are increasingly common.


Although the survey is from 2020, it has gone viral because it has once again sparked debate about romance in Japan and the fact that younger women are preferring older men:

  • You're looking for partners 30 years older, right? "

  • « Well, since their second year of high school, girls have been dating older guys. It's normal, they have cars and money ».

  • For a 17-year-old girl, a 27-year-old man has more money, it's obvious she would want to go out with him ."

  • What am I supposed to talk about with a teenage girl? "

  • « Another change will come. Soon people will be too poor to afford luxuries and marriage will return to what it was in the Showa era, when it was more a matter of survival as a couple .»

  • « One of my third-grade students says she would date someone up to 35 without a problem .»

  • If the age difference is 30, there is no problem. There are always young girls who like older men ."

  • « The body of a thin 18-year-old girl is crazy. She looks like a girl in primary or secondary school, the feeling of sin is brutal .»

  • « Every time I see threads like this, I realize that the whole "drawings solve the problem, we need to protect them" thing is a lie. It only fuels real desires even more »

  • « I once knew someone who was strangely trusting, and now I understand why. I just want to take care of my family, I don't need that hassle (I put up with it as best I can) ».

  • « Women don't cling to age as much as men do. Some men complain that women only look for men with money, but men are the ones who pay more attention to age .»

  • The question is whether they would accept being up to 10 years older. You can dream whatever you want ."

  • « I guess kids his age are too immature. I see too many high school students playing ball with elementary school kids in the park ».

  • « Make no mistake, the ugly ones stay out ».

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