Through the official website for the animated adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Kozue Amano ARIA, it was revealed that the franchise will have a new animated project that will premiere this 2020 to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the ARIA the ANIMATION series which released in October 2005. No further details have been released.
Kozue Amano's manga has already inspired a three-season animated television series: 13-episode ARIA The ANIMATION, 24-episode ARIA The NATURAL, and 13-episode ARIA The ORIGINATION. In addition to the television anime, an original episode was animated in 2007 with the ARIA title The OVA ~ ARIETTA ~. Hal Film Maker was responsible for animating both the television anime and the OVA.
ARIA is a life-story-themed manga blended with science fiction published between 2002 and 2008 in Mag Garden's Monthly Comic Blade magazine. The work ended compiling in a total of 12 volumes. In addition to the main title, this story features a pre-movie titled Aqua, published in Monthly Stencil magazine between 2001 and 2002 and in two volumes.
Source: Official Website
© 2015 天野 こ ず え / マ ッ グ ガ ー デ ン ・ ARIA カ ン パ ニ ー
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