The anime Soreike! Anpanman suspends his voice recordings

The Mainichi Shimbun newspaper reported that the voice recordings of the anime Soreike! Anpanman have been suspended indefinitely as a prevention against the outbreak of Coronavirus in Japan.

According to the source Mantan Web, who is closely related to the production, the team has already made several episodes that will be broadcast later, so this suspension will not affect the anime broadcast for the moment. However, the production team raised concerns about being unsure of the restart date.

Additionally, voice actress Midori Kato reported last Saturday that recordings of the anime Sazae-san, one of the longest running series in Japan, has also paused her voice recordings for the same reasons.

The Soreike series! Anpanman adapts the picture book made by the late Takashi Yanase, and has been broadcast since 1988, with an animated film released every summer since 1989. The anime centers on the eponymous hero Anpanman, who has sweet bean bread. (anpan) as head.

Source: The Mainichi Shimbun's Mantan Web

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