Changes continue in Cowboy Bebop live-action series

The Netflix company continues to persevere in its intention to adapt to current ideological trends, as stated by the writer of the live-action series based on the original anime of the Sunrise studios, Cowboy Bebop, who disclosed that the harsh and harsh beauty of the Faye Valentine's character will pale because her actress will not be wearing the same outfits as in the original series.
Writer Javier Grillo-Marxuach participated in a lengthy interview with the io9 news site, and disclosed various miscellaneous facts about the Cowboy Bebop live-action series, though perhaps the most important fact was that of Faye Valentine:
“Some small changes we made were in the conversion to live-action, as would be expected. Faye's revealing outfits will be toned down in the costume design for this Netflix series since this time we are talking about real people and not animated characters. "
It was also mentioned that tobacco consumption will be reduced:
And while the characters will still be smoking throughout the series, the habit will be less glamorous to reflect modern trends. It is about finding a balance between respecting the original content and adapting to the ideologies of the majority of today's public ”.

Almost as an insult to fans, Marxuach also bragged about "how much they are respecting the original material":
"But this live-action version has some fans fearing an effect similar to that of the movie Dragon Ball Evolution, where Cowboy Bebop's style and substance will be lost in the conversion, not only in the transition between formats but also between creative teams. ” The interviewer commented. Grillo-Marxuach replied:
"You can't look at Cowboy Bebop and say‘ Oh! They have changed their outfits and hairstyles! This is already something different! Honestly, if you are doing Cowboy Bebop there is no way to get out of the original essence as easily as that, it is something like doing Star Wars ".
Some will note the clear hypocrisy in the comments about Faye's costume change. During the interview, there were also some discussions on diversity:
This is where adaptation has gotten into a controversial topic. Netflix faced harsh criticism for having a creative team made up mostly of white men on the production team for the Cowboy Bebop live-action series, as part of an ongoing problem about behind-the-scenes diversity. Grillo-Marxuach, who is Puerto Rican, rejected these statements. He noted that Cowboy Bebop creator Shinichiro Watanabe serves as a consultant on the series, and promoted other first-season writings like Greenfeld and Vivian Lee-Durkin, both from Asia. He also said the show is committed to diversity on camera, noting that this is something the Death Note live-action series failed at.
"Spike Spiegel has to be played by an Asian. You can't do a "Scarlett Johansson" on this *** ***, "said the writer. "We are making a series that takes place in a multicultural world, that is extraordinarily integrated and where things like diversity already come from the original source."
However, again the press and a sector of viewers criticized the fact that the character Jet is being played by an actor of color. All the changes are standard when it comes to an adaptation made by Hollywood (and generally by Westerners), adding censorship to feminine beauty, forced inclusion, and other aspects of modern ideologies. And the most degrading part of this is that they boast that the creator Shinichiro Watanabe is the consultant, so it is understood that he had no problems with this.

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