Zoids Wild is an anime based on the Zoids models produced by Takara Tomy. With its second season they make up the sixth and seventh series in the franchise and is part of a re-launch in conjunction with a new line of toys.
For its part, the anime Zoids Wild Zero has been broadcast since October 2019 and is being produced by OLM studios under the production of Takao Kato. The first season premiered in July 2018 on MBS and TBS channels, with a total of 50 episodes produced by OLM studios under the production of Norihiko Sudou.
Zoids Wild Zero Synopsis
The protagonist of the story, Leo, discovers Beast Liger and begins an adventure together with a girl named Sally. After he loses Beast Liger, he evolves into Rising Liger. This series is a prequel to the entire Zoids universe, as it tells of the arrival of these units on Earth.
Source: Coro Coro Comics October issue
© TOMY / ZW 製作 委員会 ・ テ レ ビ 東京