A post on Twitter became immensely popular in Japan, and eventually globally, showing that Google Earth caught the renowned director and founder of Studio Ghibli, Hayao Miyazaki, walking around the building in an apron. Although his face has been censored by the application itself, his size and characteristics make him completely identifiable.
たまたまGoogle Earthでスタジオジブリ付近を眺めていたら、、、エプロン姿で歩く宮崎駿監督を発見してしまう。 pic.twitter.com/7olQzTTGzw
— 渡邉大輔 (@diesuke_w) January 8, 2021
According to the publication, the user "was walking around the main Studio Ghibli building" and although several have got down to work trying to find the renowned director, apparently no one has been able to locate him. Some infer that there has been a recent update to the photos or that it is from another application.
Hayao Miyazaki was born on January 5, 1941, and is an animator, director, producer, screenwriter, author, and mangaka. Furthermore, he is a co-founder of Studio Ghibli and has been acclaimed by the international community for his mastery in storytelling and feature films, listed as one of the greatest filmmakers in the entire history of animation.
In 1963, Miyazaki joined the ranks of Toei Animation Studios and worked as an in-betweener animator, until his collaboration with director Isao Takahata. Later, Miyazaki would participate in the founding of Studio Ghibli in 1985, from where he has directed numerous feature films that eventually became great successes in Japan. His film, Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi (Spirited Away) became the highest grossing film in the entire history of Japanese cinema at the time, and was awarded an Academy Award (Oscar) for “Best Animation film".
Source: Otakomu