Different accounts on Twitter shared the animated opening and closing sequences of the second season of the animated adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Daisuke Ashihara, World Trigger. The opening sequence features the theme song “Force,” performed by South Korean boyband TOMORROW X TOGETHER.
World Trigger 2nd Season - OP "Force" by TOMORROW X TOGETHER pic.twitter.com/j3W7z9bPYE
— Nihon FM (@nihonfm_) January 9, 2021
On the other hand, the closing sequence features the song “Mirai Eigou (未来 永劫)” performed by the band Kami wa Saikoro wo Furanai.
World Trigger 2nd Season - ED "Mirai Eigou (未来永劫)" by Kami wa Saikoro wo Furanai (神はサイコロを振らない) pic.twitter.com/Q1v4pkPIPm
— Nihon FM (@nihonfm_) January 9, 2021
This second season is on air in Japan since January 9 and will last only one arc, although the number of episodes has not yet been confirmed. Ashihara began publishing the manga in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in 2013, having since then had multiple breaks due to his fragile health.
World Trigger Synopsis
When the door to another world suddenly opens on Earth, the city of Mikado is invaded by strange creatures known as "Neighbors", who are malicious beings with traditional weaponry. In response to this invasion, an organization known as the Border Defense Agency engages the Neighbors using weapons known as the "Triggers." Even several years after the start of the battle, the Neighbors remain a threat and members of the Agency remain on alert.
Despite this delicate situation, members-in-training, such as Osamu Mikumo, are not allowed to use their Triggers outside of headquarters. But when a mysterious student in his class is dragged into a forbidden area by bullies, the Neighbors launch an attack, and Osamu has no choice but to do what he thinks is right. To his surprise, transfer student Yuuma Kuga quickly takes care of them, revealing that he is a Neighbor in disguise.