A new anime is being mocked for its 'bad animation'



A press release announced that the Cosaic and Group SNE -developed game “ Murder Mystery of the Dead ” will be getting an anime adaptation that will premiere on November 13 in Japan. The release listed production details but did not reveal the studio in charge.

On the other hand, the synopsis of this project writes:

  • The world has collapsed due to a zombie pandemic. The protagonist, Mikoto Amano, wakes up in an unknown place with no memories and is taken in by six girls. However, a gruesome incident occurs: a man who had been taken in with Mikoto is murdered, and the culprit is one of them. Set in the Tokyu Kabukicho tower, mysteries and secrets abound within the now sealed building. Will the girls, who have begun to form a bond, be able to uncover the truth behind the incident?


While the original board game is quite popular for its mystery theme, the announcement of the anime adaptation has raised more than a few eyebrows, especially because of the animation style. Although recent works such as “Girls Band Cry” have shown that CGI animation can be applauded with good designs and a high frame rate, it seems that not all studios have access to these mediums.

And this was demonstrated in the community comments:

  • « At least the 3D is pretty decent .»

  • « Eh, no. Nothing beats Ex-Arm . Sure, Murder Mystery of the Dead comes close, but it's not on the same level ».

  • « Nobody can beat Ex-Arm .»

  • « There's probably only one truly bad moment, when they use a realistic human for a corpse, but that's an issue of art direction, not 3D animation. The CGI is meh, but definitely not on the level of Ex-Arm .»

  • « Well, to be honest, at least it looks a little better, lol ».

  • « At least Ex-Arm tried to combine 2D and 3D animation. These guys here didn't even try, seriously .»

  • « This looks like a fan-produced show with a bunch of Vtubers .»

  • « I mean, if people can enjoy RWBY , why not this? Haha, I'm not going to watch it though . »

  • « This is light years above Ex-Arm . Is it bad CGI? Sure, but it doesn’t even come close to how horribly bad and comically awful Ex-Arm ’s visuals were . »

  • « The animation is flawed, obviously, but calling this the 'Ex-Arm of 2024', don't you think you're stretching it a bit? »

  • « No way, this looks way better than that mess, and Crunchyroll isn't involved here, thank goodness. Somehow they always manage to screw up everything they touch .»

  • « Good one. I guess you don't really know how bad the CGI animation in Ex-Arm was . »

  • « This would probably be great with some decent animation .»

  • « I feel like the Japanese animation industry is falling further and further, decent productions are becoming rarer and rarer. There are so many amazing manga that have been sacrificed with such mediocre adaptations, it's really sad to see that .»

  • « To all the studios trying to make anime like this: please stop, it never looks good .»

  • « I'm a big defender of CGI anime because people hate even the good ones… but even I can't defend this .»

  • « What is this animation? Those eyes look soulless. This is Ex-Arm at its finest .»

  • « I love 3D animated TV shows like this… I just wish they would stop using that pesky 15 FPS. Reboot came out in the 90s and had smoother animation! »

Source: @AniNewsAndFacts on Twitter


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