Deadpool manga is suddenly suspended



Chapter 20 of the “ Deadpool: Samurai ” manga, written by Sanshiro Kasama and illustrated by Hikaru Uesugi, announced that the series will be going on an indefinite hiatus due to “various circumstances.” Although a date for its return has not been specified, the Shonen Jump Plus service reported that updates on the manga’s status will be made through its social media accounts.

Kasama offered an apology via his Twitter account, but was ambiguous about the reasons behind the hiatus, sparking even more speculation among fans. The announcement was accompanied by a color page from chapter 20 that parodies the cover of the first volume of Negi Haruba’s “ The Quintessential Quintuplets .” In recent chapters, the manga has also made references and parodies to Gosho Aoyama’s “ Detective Conan ” and Yusuke Saito and Jirou Takidaira’s picture book “ Mochimochi no Ki .”


The hiatus has left many fans speculating about the real reasons behind the decision. While some fans believe it may be due to creative or editorial issues, others think it’s simply a way to buy time. One of the most viral comments on social media reads: “ It has no future anymore, they’re just closing it down in a graceful way .” Others have pointed out that the excess of parodies and references to other manga could have exhausted the original ideas of the work: “ The manga relies too much on parodies. It’s entertaining, but it feels forced .”

One of the most discussed elements has been the use of the “fourth wall,” a signature Deadpool device. While some find it dated and unoriginal, others defend it as an essential part of the character. Comments like “ Breaking the fourth wall is so passé now. What year do you think it is? ” reflect the growing dissatisfaction among certain readers. On the other hand, some diehard fans of the character believe that the style is part of the series’ charm: “ It’s a Deadpool manga, it’s supposed to be like that. Those who criticize are not the target audience .”

The series has been plagued with surprise moments since its relaunch in August, when the manga, originally billed as a romantic comedy titled Secret Steward, revealed in its first chapter that it was actually the second season of “Deadpool: Samurai.” This twist was met with enthusiasm at the time, but the project’s continuity is now in doubt.

Source: Yaraon!

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