The fifth promotional image of the project was published on the official Twitter account for the animated adaptation of the light novels written by Jougi Shiraishi and illustrated by Azuru, Majo no Tabitabi.
The series does not yet have a release date. For his part, Jougi started publishing the Majo no Tabitabi novels in April 2016 and the SB Creative publisher published the eleventh volume on November 14.
A manga adaptation is published on the Manga Up! Website. from Square Enix publisher since November 2018. The publisher published the first compilation volume in April 2019.
Cast of voices
- Kaede Hondo as Elaina.
- Kana Hanazawa as Fran.
- Tomoyo Kurosawa as Saya.
Production team
- Toshiyuki Kubooka is in charge of directing the anime at C2C studios.
- Kazuyuki Fudeyasu is responsible for the composition of the series.
- Takeshi Oda is in charge of character design.
- Kazumasa Uchio is in charge of the conceptual design.
In a certain place there is a traveling witch named Elaina. Being a traveler, she has met many people and countries as she continues her long, long journey.
A city that only accepts magicians, a muscle-loving giant, a young man wanting to reunite with his deceased beloved, a princess abandoned in a destroyed city, and the story of the witch will be intertwined with all of them.
When encountering incredibly strange people and making beautiful memories together, now, even now, the witch can't help but keep her whole life from encounters and goodbyes.
Source: Official Twitter Account
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